by ART HORAK SINCE it was first introduced into model
competition back in June 1944, the Kid has made quite a name for itself for
consistency in winning high places in all the contests it has entered. It is
easy to build, has enough strength to hold together but no excess
construction to add weight. Above all, it possesses the ability to absorb all
the power the motor is capable of producing. It was this model that won the 1944 Metropolitan
Championships for its designer. The Kid possesses a terrific climb which is
guaranteed to make any other ship look like it is power gliding. As an added
feature it has realistic lines, sporting a genuine cabin, and it thoroughly
disproves the theory that a high pylon and retracting wheels are necessary to
obtain good performance. FUSELAGE—Crutch construction was
chosen for the fuselage because of its abnormal strength and ease of
building. First step after enlarging the plans is to obtain 2 lengths of
3/16" x 1/2" balsa and one length of 3/16" x 1/2" bass
for the motor bearers. The bass is spliced to the balsa where shown and then
they are laid on the plan. Crosspieces are cut from 1/8" x 1/2" and
inserted in their respective places. Next construct the top formers, 2t, 3t,
etc. and glue in place. Remove the crutch from the plans, make and add the
lower formers. Install firewall and bind the landing gear in place. Cut out
the wing rest and glue in position. Take two lengths of 1/8" x 1/4"
bass for the top and bottom stringers, then place
the remaining stringers (1/8" sq.) in place and glue. The cowl is made
from two blocks glued together, carved, then split apart and hollowed out. WING—The wing is built in four
separate sections: two tip panels and two center panels. First, cut out all
the ribs and wing tip outlines; then put the spars and trailing edge in place
and insert the ribs. After all sections are completed, cut the dihedral
braces from 3/32" hardwood and assemble the sections into one unit. The
false ribs may then be inserted into position. Use plenty of glue at the
joints. Reglue all joints and put wing aside to
dry. STABILIZER—First cut out all outlines.
Pin these in place and put the leading edge in position, being sure to use waxpaper over the plans as you may want to use them
again. Next, select a hard straight length of 1/8" x 1/2" balsa for
the spar. Taper to 1/8" at tip and place in position. Then obtain some
1/16" sheet and cut into strips 1/2" wide; these are for the ribs.
Insert the rectangular pieces into position and glue. When assembly is dry,
remove from plan, cut airfoil to shape and finish with fine sandpaper. RUDDER—The rudder is last on the
construction list. The outlines are cut from 3/16" medium balsa and
pinned to the plans. Internal construction is 3/16" x 1/8" and is
put in next. When dry, remove from plans and sand to streamline shape. COVERING—The wings of the original
Kid were covered with red Silkspan and had white tips. Stabilizer was red, rudder
white and the fuselage was silk covered and doped yellow. The wing and stab
are covered with the grain of the Silkspan going spanwise. Use wet paper, it's
easier to work with. When covering is finished the paper will shrink without
being re-wet. When all surfaces are covered and dry, apply 4 coats of clear
dope and finally 2 coats of yellow to the fuselage. FLYING—Before testing the model be sure the c.g. is 60% of the
chord back from the leading edge of the wing. Being this far back it enables
the ship to circle tightly without danger of spinning in. Select an open
field (grass covered) and glide the model from shoulder height. If it dives,
add incidence; if it stalls, vice versa. The motor is installed with 3/32"
right thrust (on an 11" prop) and no down thrust. When the glide is set,
head for the nearest flying field with tool box in hand. Use low power on the
first few flights and work in a right spiral climb and a tight left glide. When
all is set, open her up wide and beg, borrow or steal some means of
transportation on which to chase your ship—you'll need it! Scanned From January 1946 Model Airplane News |